Being “drowned” in poverty, whoever escapes from communist clutches will change their lives!

Movement to flee from Communist rule in search of life-changing opportunities

On August 13, Tien Phong newspaper published a photo report on the topic “Villas grow like mushrooms in the richest labor export village in Ha Tinh.” It is known that Cuong Gian, Xuan Lien, and Co Dam belong to Nghi Xuan district, Ha Tinh province, which are poor coastal fishing villages, but recently, these communes have been called billionaire villages, thanks to people going to work in foreign countries.

Since the 1990s, young people in these communes have started to work in Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia… Seeing that the people going abroad are doing well, many people have followed. Those who have worked abroad have sent money to their relatives to build houses, buy cars, etc. Thus, the coastal communes here are known as billionaire villages, thanks to the large number of people going to work abroad.

The whole Cuong Gian commune has more than 15,000 people, but only about 12,000 people live locally. The whole commune has about 3,000 people living and working in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. In addition to the number of people going to work abroad, there are some other people who follow the path of studying abroad, going under the work visa, or brought by relatives. Among them, there are many people who have settled in foreign lands.

This is good news for people going to work abroad. If there were no “exploiting capitalist” countries like Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia… how could the poor people of Ha Tinh commune change their lives? This is a living proof that if the Vietnamese people want to change their lives, they must escape the clutches of the Communists.

If you only live in Vietnam, even if you use all your financial resources to get a university degree, in the end, your salary will only be starving. Under the Communist hands, everything in this society is completely turned upside down. In Vietnam, there is a very funny paradox, that is, the maid is provided with rice, meals and accommodation for free and receives a salary of VND10 million/month. However, the salary of civil servants is only VND7 million/month, workers- VND5 million/month.

Such a salary of civil servants, surely civil servants also have to find ways to illegally take money from their services, or in one way or another to survive. Workers have to work overtime and have to sell their labor at cheap prices to earn more. And that is the cause of the negativity in this society.

Because the government creates such injustices, the whole society has to find ways to gnaw at the source and eat each other. Public servants must cheat to receive bribes, officials use all possible means to gnaw public funds, or suck blood directly from the people. Overtime workers are still not enough to live, sometimes, they turn to crime (maybe fraud, theft, robbery, etc.). Since then, this whole society, everywhere is gnawing, everywhere is cheating, everywhere is appropriating.

With such a society, it is difficult for wealth to be self-generated, it is mainly transferred from one person’s pocket to another. And as a result, the whole society is poor, real people living in such an environment is like living in a “gas room,” very suffocating and difficult to live.

The problem of the Vietnamese nation is the Communist Party, if 100 million people do not work against this Party, it will forever be drowned in poverty and backwardness. Not only that, people also lose their freedom, cannot express opinions, feels unfair not to say, if said, will be imprisoned or retaliated.

The Vietnamese people have had to listen to too many morals from the mouth of the Party, to their ears, but the poor life is still completely poor. From civil servants to workers, they all have to bend their backs to work for the Party to enjoy. All the people only know how to lower their heads to work without giving opinions, letting officials buy houses to buy cars and send their children to study abroad.

It is bitter for the Vietnamese identity. No matter how hard you try, no matter how well you study, you cannot eventually compered to ordinary workers in foreign countries. Vietnamese people, if they don’t struggle to escape from the Communists, it is very difficult to get out of poverty. As Communists remain to rule the nation, the country will never develop. (Translated)