Russian Foreign Minister shakes hands with Vietnamese leaders context of Moscow’s isolation

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov meets with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong in Hanoi on July 6

The Russian Foreign Minister met with the General Secretary of the Communist Party, the Prime Minister, and the Foreign Minister of Vietnam on July 6, the media of the two countries reported. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Vietnam on July 5-6 in the context of Moscow being isolated and punished by many Western countries for causing a war in Ukraine.

The Russian foreign minister’s separate meetings with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, respectively, who have the de facto highest decision-making power according to Vietnam’s political structure, took place on the afternoon of July 6.

Regarding the meeting of the Russian foreign minister with the head of the political party that holds a monopoly on leadership in Vietnam, the Vietnam News Agency and newspapers reported that Mr. Lavrov affirmed to Mr. Trong that Russia attaches great importance to the global strategic partnership with Vietnam.

Saying that Russia supports the central role of the Southeast Asian bloc (ASEAN) in the region, Foreign Minister Lavrov thanked Vietnam for its contribution to promoting Russia-ASEAN relations over the years, VNA reported. The Russian Foreign Minister also expressed Russia’s views on international issues, including the conflict in Ukraine, but the VNA’s report did not write more specifically about those views.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong told Mr. Lavrov that Vietnam always appreciates and remembers the great and effective help of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation in the resistance wars and development of the country throughout the periods, according to VNA.

The top Vietnamese leader continued that the Southeast Asian country attaches great importance to the comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia and cooperation between the two countries.

The head of the ruling Communist Party also discussed with the Russian foreign minister Vietnam’s views on international issues of mutual concern, including dialogue and peaceful settlement of differences, and international disputes, but VNA’s bulletin did not provide more detailed information. General Secretary Trong was quoted by the news as saying that Vietnam is willing to contribute to the promotion of peace, stability, and international cooperation.

On the morning of July 6, Russia’s top diplomat held talks with his Vietnamese counterpart. The two sides discussed bilateral relations and the global economy, according to a report by Russian news agency TASS.

The leader of the Russian diplomatic service said at a press conference after the talks that he and Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son discussed “problems caused by the US and its Western allies to the global economy.”

TASS quoted Mr. Lavrov as saying at a press conference: “We talked in detail about international issues, our cooperation within the framework of the United Nations, about developments in the Asian-Pacific region, with particular emphasis on the development of a strategic partnership between Russia and ASEAN. We also have a dialogue about global economic problems caused by Western countries led by the United States.”

Foreign Minister Lavrov’s visit took place in the context of Russia being isolated by many Western countries and partners for nearly four and a half months because of its invasion of Ukraine. During the same period, at the United Nations, Vietnam twice abstained from criticizing Russia’s actions in Ukraine and voted against a resolution to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council.

Regarding bilateral relations between Russia and Vietnam, TASS said that Mr. Lavrov said that the two sides discussed this relationship in parallel with the implementation of agreements reached by the Russian and Vietnamese presidents at the end of last year, as well as in conjunction with the Declaration on a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which this year the two countries will celebrate the 10th anniversary of this declaration.

Lavrov noted that Russia and Vietnam share a common perception on how to continue trade, economic, and investment relations in the current environment so that these relations “are not damaged by ‘illegal unilateral sanctions’ methods announced by the United States, the European Union and their allies in this region,” said.

Commenting on his conversation with the Vietnamese foreign minister, the Russian foreign minister said it took place “at the right time” as reported by TASS. The talks helped outline “concrete steps to deepen cooperation in all areas without exception, including humanitarian, educational and military and technical cooperation areas,” Lavrov said at the end of the press conference.

After leaving Vietnam, Foreign Minister Lavrov will participate in the G-20 foreign ministers meeting in Bali, Indonesia. The G-20 brings together the developed and important emerging economies in the world.

Contrary to the image of a congratulatory handshake that Vietnamese officials give Mr. Lavrov, the Canadian press reported that the country’s foreign minister, Melanie Joly, will not shake Mr. Lavrov’s hand at the G-20 meeting. Instead, she will “confront him with data and debunk Russian rhetoric, showing them lies and disinformation” about the war in Ukraine.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is also expected to have zero tolerance for Mr. Lavrov in Bali when the US State Department stated that “it is impossible to continue to do normal business with the Russian Federation.” (Translated)