Thousands of lawsuits against China – Xi Jinping “hiding”

Vietnamese-Americans are joining “thousands of plaintiffs” in suing the Chinese government for spreading the Coronavirus and “claiming billions of dollars in compensation” for physical and financial damages. According to a record filed by the Berman Law Firm in Florida, the…
Why do many Vietnamese people supporting Trump to stop funding WHO?

The US decision to suspend funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) is receiving strong support from the Vietnamese public. Whether the support of the Vietnamese people comes from the “anti-China” mentality, especially when the US and some EU countries…
WHO của Trung Quốc?

Tối ngày 15/04, tại cuộc họp báo ở Nhà Trắng, Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ Donald Trump chỉ trích Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới (WHO), gọi tổ chức này là “công cụ của Trung Quốc,” trang Daily Telegraph cho biết.…
Covid-19: Vietnam’s economy is gradually declining

Vietnam has just been in the last day of the 15 days of social isolation and now faces the question: should it be strictly quarantined or loosened in order to reactivate its economic engine? Earlier this week, the image of…
Coronavirus: China denies it – US publicizes

China’s city of Wuhan is the place where SARS-CoV2 virus, the virus that causes Corona pneumonia, first appeared before the pandemic broke out and spread death around the globe. The fact that Wuhan was the source of the SARS-CoV2 virus…